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In Defense of Freedom of Publication

The internet and blogs in particular are the closest that we now have to the concept of free market place of ideas.

Here, all kinds of materials are presented; opinions and views expressed. Some of these opinions and views we may like because they are in conformity with our long-held views, and some we may detest for the oppposite reason.

For the same reason, true and false information are being foisted in the internet and blogs in support of a particular cause. The general public may not know which information are true and which are false.

John Milton (1632-1704) sowed the idea of free market place of ideas when said:

"Let Truth and Falsehood grapple; whoever knew Truth put to the worse in a free and open encounter?", (Areopagitica and Of Education, 1951, AHM Publishing Corporation, Arlington Heights, Ill 60004, page 50).

Milton said this in a speech delivered in English Parliament in 1644. The essence of his speech was on press freedom as he was against censorship of the press which was prevalent at that time in England.

Milton's ideas became not only the basis for the phrase "Free Market place of Ideas" but press freedom.

With regard to free market place of ideas, Milton argued that if truth and falsehood was allowed to be exposed, truth would eventually prevailed.

There is similarity in what Milton said and what is happening in the internet.

To be continued

There is a Malay proverb which says: Bangkai Gajah Tidak Boleh Ditutup Dengan Nyiru. (Carcass of An Elephant Cannot be Covered with a Harvesting Pan).



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