Title of Book: Tokoh dan Akhbar Melayu: Penebus Peminggiran Melayu Author : Mazlan Nordin Publisher : UKM Press Year Published: 2009 ISBN : 9789679429152 In the market: August , 2009 Tan Sri Mazlan Nordin, 84, was awarded The Most Eminent Journalist of UKM, authored the book entitled Tokoh dan Akbar Melayu: Penebus Peminggiran Melayu. The book is expected to be in the market by August 2009. For Tan Sri Mazlan, who worked as a journalist for the last 50 years, the book is his labour of love. He started researching about several prominent journalists before his time while serving as a resident writer at the School of Media and Communication Studies from 2004-2006. His research include Abdullah Munsyi , Ibrahim Yaacob, Rahim Kajai, Ishak Haji Muhammad, Ahmad Boestamam, and A Samad Ismail. Each of them has special stories about them not normally known by the people. This book, for the first time (if not mistaken) recognised Abdullah Munsyi as a journalist. Abdullah Munsyi...
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